深圳被視為中國的模範城市,自1979年成立以來它一直是世界上發展最快的城市,而在新自由主義的思潮和社經意識形態底下,深圳也被視為全球城市發展的典範。在空前的擴張速度底下,新自由主義城市的特徵和張力也更顯著。可與此同時,這也令城市的社會經濟兩極化發展,以及其分裂的形態彰顯於世。這計劃以列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre)對城市的拓撲理解作為主觀點,以洞悉政治經濟權力體系,與物理城市空間複雜的關係,並描述了六種,在深圳或世界各地的城市中常見的極化的城市拓撲結構。
深圳被視為中國的模範城市,自1979年成立以來它一直是世界上發展最快的城市,而在新自由主義的思潮和社經意識形態底下,深圳也被視為全球城市發展的典範。在空前的擴張速度底下,新自由主義城市的特徵和張力也更顯著。可與此同時,這也令城市的社會經濟兩極化發展,以及其分裂的形態彰顯於世。這計劃以列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre)對城市的拓撲理解作為主觀點,以洞悉政治經濟權力體系,與物理城市空間複雜的關係,並描述了六種,在深圳或世界各地的城市中常見的極化的城市拓撲結構。
About Adrian Blackwell
Adrian Blackwell is an artist, designer and urban theorist whose work focuses on the relation between physical space and political economic forces. Recent sculptures include: Mirror Circles for Ba Jin in Shanghai, and Inverted Barricade at Laval University. His design work includes the revitalization of Toronto’s City Hall Square with PLANT Architects, Perkins and Will, and Hoerr Schaudt, and Dymaxion Sleep designed with Jane Hutton for the Jardins de Metis. His urban research examines topologies of Neoliberal urbanization, using Shenzhen as a model. Recent presentations of this research include: “Interstitial Disturbances: Spatializing the Costs of Transaction in Shenzhen” at the Capital as Power conference, and “False Echoes of Anarchist Thought During China’s Reform Period” at the Modernist Studies Association. He is an assistant professor at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture and an editor of the journal Scapegoat: Architecture / Landscape / Political Economy.