透過建築師及城市學家Rem Koolhaas 和大都會建築事務所(OMA)所成立的智庫AMO的視覺,剛開幕的Countryside, The Future展覽討論各個迫在眉捷的環境、政治、及社經議題。該展覽特意為The Guggenheim Museum博物館中的圓形大廳而設計,Countryside, The Future的大型裝置藝術探索著地球上非城市的鄉郊地脈,亦從原創性的研究觀看鄉郊巨大的變化。是次企劃由Koolhaas和AMO智庫,聯同美國的Harvard University Graduate School of Design、北京的the Central Academy of Fine Arts、荷蘭的Wageningen University以及肯亞四國的專上學院University of Nairobi合作策劃而成。
透過建築師及城市學家Rem Koolhaas 和大都會建築事務所(OMA)所成立的智庫AMO的視覺,剛開幕的Countryside, The Future展覽討論各個迫在眉捷的環境、政治、及社經議題。該展覽特意為The Guggenheim Museum博物館中的圓形大廳而設計,Countryside, The Future的大型裝置藝術探索著地球上非城市的鄉郊地脈,亦從原創性的研究觀看鄉郊巨大的變化。是次企劃由Koolhaas和AMO智庫,聯同美國的Harvard University Graduate School of Design、北京的the Central Academy of Fine Arts、荷蘭的Wageningen University以及肯亞四國的專上學院University of Nairobi合作策劃而成。
關於 AMO
AMO often works in parallel with OMA’s clients to fertilize architecture with intelligence from this array of disciplines. This is the case with Prada: AMO’s research into identity, in-store technology, and new possibilities of content-production in fashion helped generate OMA’s architectural designs for new Prada epicenter stores in New York and Los Angeles. In 2004, AMO was commissioned by the European Union to study its visual communication, and designed a coloured “barcode” flag – combining the flags of all member states – that was used during the Austrian presidency of the EU.
AMO has worked with Universal Studios, Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, Heineken, Ikea, Condé Nast, Harvard University and the Hermitage. It has produced exhibitions at the Venice Architecture Biennale, including The Gulf (2006), Cronocaos (2010) and Public Works (2012) and for Fondazione Prada including When Attitudes Become Form (2012) and Serial and Portable Classics (2015). AMO, with Harvard University, was responsible for the research and curation of the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale and its principle publication Elements. Other notable projects are a plan for a Europe-wide renewable energy grid; Project Japan, a 720-page book on the Metabolism architecture movement (Taschen, 2010); and the educational program of Strelka Institute in Moscow.
關於 古根海姆基金會
所羅門·R·古根海姆基金會成立於 1937 年,一個勇於創新,敢於冒險的機構致力於呈現我們這個時代最好的藝術。在基金會使命的驅動下,所羅門·R·古根海姆美術館,紐約在1939 年開業,並在1959 年搬到了具有里程碑意義的弗蘭克·勞埃德·賴特設計的建築,並成為我們經久不衰的象徵。美術館作為一個重要的文化和教育中心歡迎來自世界各地的遊客前來體驗最尖端的展覽,美術館的標誌性建築,和美術館的館藏,其中包括精選的現代主義藝術傑作,以及極簡主義藝術,後極簡主義藝術,概念藝術,和國際當代藝術。