Message from Marisa Yiu, Co-Founder / Executive Director
This year has truly been unbelievable, both the sense of community collaboration, the pooling of resources and acts of generosity no matter big or small that we have witnessed. The last year and recently the past months have been challenging, with Hong Kong going through its fourth-wave and restrictions returning, that affects all of us not just in Hong Kong but everyone around the region and internationally. Yet, as a perpetual optimist and seeing as much positivity we can through trying times, we have been inspired to build community resilience through our micro-initiative “DESIGN TRUST: Critically Homemade”. From the novel blending of offline and online activities whilst navigating the ups and downs of COVID-19 challenges, I have to admit how inspiring and ready our HK based community has been with their responsiveness and openness of experimentation, testing, and sharing.
Since February 2020, with so many uncertainties, along with my board members and colleagues of DESIGN TRUST, we have been organically preparing a new community platform to reduce our social distance, with new collaborations and to inspire ourselves on the role of critical making within the home and the domestic landscape. Making things with our hands has become more relevant than ever and echoes a basic human desire to be creative and open. Through making – we can build dialogue and immerse ourselves in our craft, all while provoking and probing for more.