Design Lab: Create Your Own Micro-Park with Marisa Yiu

13. 7. 2019

Thank you everyone who joined us #todayatapple with Marisa Yiu our co-founder/executive director who led a fun workshop where participants were invited to create their own micropark and soft launched #AddYourMicroPark summer project under our #DTFS #playisforthepeople feature programme.

#AddYourMicroPark is a physical and digital collaboration with communities and neighborhoods in Hong Kong, an inspiration platform on best microparks or small park moments to celebrate -whether materials; playground equipment; flowers or plants that comfort you and your family in Hong Kong and internationally. Please check more details here on how to join our archiving of current and future micro parks. Support our Design Trust mentees ongoing designs to test new ideas and pilot parks created by the Design Trust team. Small positive steps one step at a time.