The project aims to complete an extended search and survey of Brutalist Architecture cases in Hong Kong, and edited into two books: first book will be in Chinese, focusing on the research discourse and historic content; second book will be in English, in a photographic monograph format.
The project aims to complete an extended search and survey of Brutalist Architecture cases in Hong Kong, and edited into two books: first book will be in Chinese, focusing on the research discourse and historic content; second book will be in English, in a photographic monograph format.
The research extension will include the remaining cases in the campus of CUHK (a rare Brutalist architectural cluster around the world), demolished, newly discovered and infrastructural cases. Apart from the above, more background stories will be discovered from our built-up contact with architect Peter Pun’s family, Samn Lim’s family, Pun Yin Keung’s family and Ronald Poon, by directly interviews and visit to their archive materials.
The research will further synchronize the data with “SOS Brutalism” global data base by Deutsches Architektur Museum in Frankfurt. This knowledge exchange with renowned international institute and the publication aim to enhance the importance of local architectural history to a global level and academic level.
彭展華(信言大使2020年種籽資助受贈人,專欄作家,香港DOCOMOMO成員及注冊建築師)於香港大學修畢建築學碩士,曾於英國倫敦, 奧地利維也納及中國上海從事建築設計事務。
2011-2012年間於日本建築大師磯崎新上海工作室任項目建築師,領導團隊設計一系列都市規劃及建築項目。他其後於2015年創辦AaaM Architects。他亦活躍於不同的媒體平台,如Hypebeast,君子雜誌,號外雜誌及PMQ 設計號外,撰寫各類風格題材的建築文章。
研究團隊:陳樂欣,彭展華,羅嘉慧,曾嘉莉,蕭健偉,黃衍翬,丁詠詩 攝影:麥憬淮 水泥藝術:劉頌銘,馬祖輝