Design Trust Futures Studio 2018 International Mentor Workshop
DESIGN TRUST FUTURES STUDIO 2018 is pleased to have International Mentor Mimi Hoang and other advisors to join us at an internal workshop on 23rd May 2018, offering their support and guidance towards the designer teams’ future park designs. Through a sharing of case studies, Mimi Hoang (Principal, nARCHITECTS) empowered the teams to challenge the notion of rules and regulations as well as the materiality through their designs; while Mark Blackwell (Partner, Morphis Landscape Architects) raised the importance of individuality and identity of space while benefiting the local community. Chris Yuen (Play Environment Consultant, Playright) also joined us in prompting the teams to design creative, innovative and inclusive parks; and Andrew Tsui (Co-founder, Rooftop Republic) explored the journey of experience inside a park. Finally, Thomas Lau (General Manager, Landscape Architecture and Sustainability, Sino) encouraged the teams to create challenging and fun parks that are socially engaging.
The evening ended with our advisors and guest critics sharing their knowledge and expertise through focused consultations to the teams, and highlighting the potential of appropriate foliage and textures for the sites. The discussions were moderated by Marisa Yiu, and focuses on specific design features of each team and how they would proceed to tackle the existing challenges and how to embrace and turn these constraints into opportunities.
To find out more please visit our Design Trust Futures Studio website.