Design Trust 2019 January Grant Application is now open. Share with us your ideas and proposals by 20th January 2019. Design Trust offers grants to individual designers, curators, collectives and non-profit organizations for projects and activities that are relevant to various design disciplines to the context and content of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. We support innovative, thought-provoking investigations in various design disciplines from graphics, media, wearables, architecture to the built environment. Please visit our website for more details.
Design Trust Grant Recipients from the October 2018 cycle include Nikolas Ettel from the University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture (Hong Kong); Benjamin Prosky and his team at the Center for Architecture (New York); Bong Yeung, et al. (Hong Kong); Elaine Ho and team of Publication Studio (Hong Kong, Rotterdam, Melbourne, Shenzhen), Jasper Dowding (Hong Kong); Lucy Siyao Liu and Austin Wade Smith (New York); Nick Axel and Nikolaus Hirsch of e-flux Architecture (New York); and Yujia Bian and Ruishi Ge (New York).
This cycle’s Grant Recipients include Nikolas Ettel (Hong Kong), whose research will explore the characteristics of Asia’s back alleys in terms of the relationships between space and activity; the team of the Center for Architecture (New York), including Benjamin Prosky, Berit Hoff Lavender, Camila Schaulsohn, Barry Bergdoll, and Seng Kuan., who will be leading the project “New Practices in Hong Kong Architecture: A Symposium”, highlighting Paul Rudolph’s perspectives on the evolution of design thinking and practice in the Hong Kong and the region. Through the means of art, design and architecture, the team of Yeung Kin Bong, Zoe Lai, Raymond Chan and Monti Lai (Hong Kong) will be conducting a four-stage participatory programme in an old village with an urge for renewal in Shunde, China, developing a professional, feasible and innovative masterplan for the village. The team of Publication Studio (Hong Kong, Rotterdam, Melbourne, Shenzhen) will be launching their mobile bookmaking carryall and publication project “PS Portable X5000”. Hong Kong based designer and artist Jasper Dowding will be cataloguing the indigenous toy designs of the Greater Bay Area for craft workshops using a variety of organic and recycled materials. Lucy Liu and Austin Smith’s project “Thin Things: the Social Life of Networked Architectures” will focus on the conditions in which kiosk architecture becomes interface - a thin layer of spatial operations occupying the interstitial spaces of the city, that enable networks of economic, social-cultural and political exchange. Nick Axel and Nikolaus Hirsch of e-flux Architecture (New York) will create an essay series “New Silk Roads” which will critically analyze the spatial, environmental, and political realities on the ground of the Belt Road Initiative, China's new transnational infrastructure initiative across Asia, Europe, and Africa. Finally, Yujian bian and Ruishi Ge’s project “Taming Weathers: A Modern History of Hong Kong and Typhoon“ will examine typhoons in correlation to the history of Hong Kong from a cultural perspective.