015 Open Light

Designed by: Yanki Lee, Enable Foundation in collaboration with Pascal Anson, Pascal Anson Studio

Design Trust Affiliation: Design Trust Feature Grantee


‘Open Light’ is a crystal chandelier replica made from Sellotape, designed by Enable Foundation in collaboration with Pascal Anson. “There is something ridiculous about replicating a crystal chandelier with a cheap material like Sellotape, which is part of the project’s appeal,” said Pascal Anson, London-based designer whose work has been developing ways to teach non-designers to make objects in a DIY manner through video tutorials and published books.

This project aims to offer inspiration to individuals to construct their own chandelier with an accessible material during pandemic lockdowns. Whilst the use of Sellotape is not sustainable in the usual sense, the project addresses an important question in sustainability by asking us how to re-examine what we see as discarded, every day, or valueless objects.

Image Credit: Yanki Lee, Enable Foundation in collaboration with Pascal Anson, Pascal Anson Studio

Website: Enable Foundation, Pascal Anson Studio