interMISSION: Experiencing Games for Change

The project presents a series of workshops showcasing serious games created by Hong Kong designers. These experiential sessions explore various topics, such as climate change and poverty, demonstrating the educational and impact potential of games. The final session of the series will be a game design workshop, providing participants with an opportunity to design a serious game of their own, fostering creativity and innovation and promoting the use of games and interactive media for social good. Through interMISSION, the team at Press Start Studios not only highlights the work of Hong Kong designers but also creates a platform for exploring the intersection of games, interactive media, and pressing societal issues. The initiative encourages critical thinking, empathy, and problem-solving skills, harnessing the power of games to educate, advocate, and drive positive change.

The project presents a series of workshops showcasing serious games created by Hong Kong designers. These experiential sessions explore various topics, such as climate change and poverty, demonstrating the educational and impact potential of games. The final session of the series will be a game design workshop, providing participants with an opportunity to design a serious game of their own, fostering creativity and innovation and promoting the use of games and interactive media for social good. Through interMISSION, the team at Press Start Studios not only highlights the work of Hong Kong designers but also creates a platform for exploring the intersection of games, interactive media, and pressing societal issues. The initiative encourages critical thinking, empathy, and problem-solving skills, harnessing the power of games to educate, advocate, and drive positive change.

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2023 | Active
Grantee: Press Start Studios

Press Start Studios is a pioneering game design studio dedicated to leveraging the power of games for impact. Through our engaging game experiences and expert game design consultancy services, we aim to educate, inspire, and empower individuals to make a difference. Join us as we press start on a new era of gaming with purpose!