Dementia is projected to afflict a third of the city’s inhabitants aged 80 or over by 2050. Advocating for the positive values of design processes and creative sharing, Design Trust Grantee Enable Foundation engaged 300+ young Hong Kong citizens and 100 patients of dementia and carers to co-create new ways to understand dementia.
Dementia is projected to afflict a third of the city’s inhabitants aged 80 or over by 2050. Advocating for the positive values of design processes and creative sharing, Design Trust Grantee Enable Foundation engaged 300+ young Hong Kong citizens and 100 patients of dementia and carers to co-create new ways to understand dementia.
Supported by Design Trust, Enable Foundation collaborates with Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing, to co-present its first international exchange, with a series called “Dementia Things”. The first exhibition was in with Centre for Demens, Copenhagen in early October 2019, as part of the city’s major cultural night event. The Enable team also participated in Dutch Design Week 2019 with London based artist and designer Pascal Anson to exhibit a series of Dementia Jackets, which explores how design objects can inspire everyone to be creative and open-minded towards dementia, as well as attended the Dementia Lab 2019 conference. The results of design exchanges are brought back to Hong Kong and shared with dementia service providers in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.
DementiaLand is the 1st international dissemination of an Enable Foundation (EF) initiated action design research study, DEMENTIA GOING™ Project, funded by HKSAR Government’s Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund). DEMENTIA GOING™ Project aims to engage YOUNG and OLD citizens to co-design possibilities for the future of a super ageing society. The key message is to invite everyone to “let go” with dementia.
Project awarded Design Trust Feature Grant
The team launches “Experiencing Dementia through Everyday Things” prototypes, immersive tools for “DementiaLand” with Center of Demens, Copenhagen
DEMENTIA GOING™ Project (2017 – 2019) research is showcased in collaboration with London-based artist and designer Pascal Anson during Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven
The team co-presented “DementiaLand Show Flat” at the Mind-friendly Fun Fair organised by the Hong Kong Housing Society
The team also participated in Dementia Lab Annual Conference, held in Eindhoven during Dutch Design Week
Dr Yanki LEE is an architectural designer, social innovator, design activist and expert in design research for social inclusion and participation. She has extensive experience of collaborating with designers, helping them to engage people through their design processes. As an international speaker and writer, Dr Lee has published over 50 peer-reviewed papers and articles.
She graduated with an MA in Architecture from the Royal College of Art (RCA) before joining the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design (HHCD) as a Research Associate in 2000. In 2007 she was awarded a PhD in design from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her thesis, entitled, 'Design Participation Tactics; involving people in the design of their built environment' explored a range of methodologies to design participation: in conjunction with Professor John Frazer. Since 2005, she co-founded EXHIBIT and has worked as a Research Fellow at the RCA, focusing on design methodology for participation, social inclusion and social innovation. In 2011, she was awarded Fellow of Excellence of UK- China Fellowship as visiting scholar at Tsinghua University and in 2012, she was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Art in 2012 for her contribution to design research community.
Based on her extensive experience of leading multi-disciplinary design teams, she was invited to find and direct the HKDI DESIS for Social Design Research at the Hong Kong Design Institute between 2013- 2017. In 2017 April, with the support of SIE fund, Dr Lee co-founded Enable Foundation, a social design agency in Hong Kong curating projects to help individuals and organisations to develop their own social design practice to contribute to social innovation and venturing.
Ire Tsui is a design & lifestyle writer, editor and researcher based in Hong Kong. Founder of design-research studio Talking Hands, and Head of Communications at Enable Foundation.
Trained as a designer, researcher and anthropologist. She graduated from BA (Hons) in Design at the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong and received her MA in Anthropology from Chinese University of Hong Kong. Previously she was Managing Editor of Mingpao Weekly, MING and CREAM magazine, with almost 15 years of experience in creative publishing industry. Tsui works collaboratively with designers, artists, cultural institutions and brands, and has created projects with teams from Making on Loft ( community design and research studio), PolyU SD Press, RTHK, Tai Kwun: Centre for Heritage and Arts HK Department Store Project, Design Trust, roBags, Camlux Hotel, and contributed to Obscura Magazine, the Initium, COBO Social, ELLE (HK), Sunday Mingpao, City Magazine, HKIPF and more.
Enable Foundation is a non-profit social design agency with expertise in cross-generational co-creation and design researches for real-world impact. Enable Foundation aims to develop capacity training programmes and projects on design thinking & doing, as well as creativity with individuals, organisations from private and public sectors. It was founded in 2017 in Hong Kong, after receiving a startup funding from HKSAR Government’s Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) to support its first 2-year capacity building cross-generational innovation programme, Social Innovation Design Lab (SI.DLab). Enable Foundation invites partners from different sectors with shared values and beliefs to collaboratively address the three social issues on ageing innovation in Hong Kong. Projects include ‘Fine Dying’, which involved members of the public to co-design “Objects of Death” related to urban culture; “Dementia Going”, which generates ideas to help integrate people with dementia into the community; and “Productive Ageing”, which looks into the notion of ageing well with creativity and dignity in Hong Kong. Nature of business: Social Design Services and Design Research
DementiaLand launched “Experiencing Dementia through Everyday Things” prototypes, immersive tools for the public to immerse into “DementiaLand”, with Copenhagen’s Center of Demens during the city’s major public event Culture Night, held from 10 to 11, October 2019. Dementia Going™ Project (2017 – 2019) research is also showcased through a series of “Enable Jackets: OK Dementia” with London-based artist and designer Pascal Anson at the TAC exhibition “What A time To Be Alive! “(WATTBA!2019) during Dutch Design Week, which was held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands from 19 to 27, October 2019. The team also participated in the Dementia Lab Annual Conference, also held in Eindhoven from 21 to 22, October 2019. Last but not least, the team co-presented “DementiaLand Showflat” at the Mind-friendly Fun Fair organised by Hong Kong Housing Society from 2 to 3, November 2019, in Lok Fu, Hong Kong.
As a Hong Kong based design collective on research and co-create social innovation with/for local communities, we believe international exchanges are essential part of the recognition and global standing building process. With the support of Design Trust Feature Grant, we managed to bring the local knowledge to the international platform and share the value of design from everyday innovation from unique urban cities such as Hong Kong. – Design Trust Feature Grantees Yanki Lee and Ire Tsui at Enable Foundation