Upcoming: DESIGN TRUST Pop-up Home Studio Opens

20. 5. 2020

DESIGN TRUST Pop-up Home Studio
Address: Unit S510, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong
Open daily (from Friday, 22 May 2020): 10am – 8pm
Pop-in and say hello to your future micro-parks.

Following on the positive momentum of the Design Trust Futures Studio 'PLAY IS FOR THEPEOPLE', we are pleased to share the ongoing progress of the DTFS parks. Since 2018, Design Trust Futures Studio has been working closely with the local communities and other stakeholders from both private and public sectors. Translating their findings from site research, analysis, and public engagement, the design teams have created unique concepts for four micro-parks. Going beyond conceptual ideation, the aim is to transform the micro-park designs into reality. While the Yi Pei Square and Portland locations’ built and construction works are underway, two more public spaces will be realised in their respective districts. On view at the DESIGN TRUST Pop-up Home Studio will be a series of scaled models, prototypes and documentation of the design process for the public to envision their future micro-parks.

About Design Trust Futures Studio
Design Trust Futures Studio makes visible the processes and positive role of design in the culture of contemporary design and production. The programme stems from a project-studio concept that promotes life-long collaborations through a mentor-mentee programme. Experts from different fields have been contributing to the mentor-mentee teams in the exploration of materials and production, putting forth the positive value of design of public spaces in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and internationally.

Design Trust Futures Studio 2018 'PLAY IS FOR THE PEOPLE' continues to promote the ideas of innovation, leisure and play, creating meaning from the people, for the people with a focus on human factors, ergonomics and physical designs in play. Working with international and Hong Kong-based mentors and mentees, four design teams each comprising of emerging designers of various disciplines have been brought together to examine four sites in Hong Kong. The four pilot sites include: Portland Street Rest Garden, Hamilton Street Rest Garden, Sitting-Out Area under Hill Road Flyover, and Yi Pei Square Playground.

For more details please visit https://designtrust.hk/DTFS/ .