Applications for next grant cycle will close on 20th Oct 2019, apply now.
Design Trust 2019 October Grant Application is now open. Share with us your ideas and proposals by 20th October 2019. Design Trust offers grants to designers, curators, collectives and non-profit organisations for project proposals. Design Trust offers grants to designers, curators, collectives and non-profit organisations for project proposals that are relevant to the context and content of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area region.
Congratulations to this recent cycle’s Grant Recipients: Christopher Dominic Gaul (Australia / Hong Kong) will celebrate the craft, creativity, beauty and value of Hong Kong’s local design culture through a bilingual publication with a series of photography of Hong Kong’s unique paper offerings; Yanki Lee and Ire Tsui at Enable Foundation (Hong Kong) will share local Hong Kong dementia stories and design methodology through an international exchange project with European cities, including Copenhagen and Eindhoven to advance the future service model of dementia in the Greater Bay Area; Stephen Zimmerer (U.S / Hong Kong) will re-singularise the body in relation to both the spatial and digital city through interactive, time-based map, interlocking architectural machines, zine and exhibition in conjunction with the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Urbanism Biennale; Chung Chi Ho and his colleagues at Pang Jai architectural documentation group (Hong Kong) will explore the ingenuity of the Pang Jai Fabric Bazaar before its demolition through an architectural documentation; Lam Lai and her team (Hong Kong) will create a platform and community for sharing innovative thoughts under the umbrella of the once-in-a-lifetime event and the phenomena of Internet streaming; Clarissa Lim and Vanessa Ma (Hong Kong) will reveal ideas of objecthood, identity and the collective memory through a database of contemporary informal collection, a full documentary, public screenings and a series of public engagement exercise. Perry Leung and his colleagues at the Centre for Communication Design Hong Kong Design Institute (Hong Kong) will document, catalogue, archive and conduct a research study on Henry Steiner’s graphic design oeuvres through a series of forums, seminars, workshops, and guided tours targeted at students, industry practitioners and the general public in Hong Kong; Gleb Papyshev, Igor Sladoljev, Artem Nikitin and Sveta Gorlatova(Russia, Croatia / Hong Kong) will introduce a new framework for technological development through a film about the emerging technology of predictive algorithms in the Greater Bay Area context to present at 2019 Bi-City Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture.